Monday, May 9, 2011

Milena Velba Follando En La Casa

their reproach: Dear Grace. Dear Gabriel

By José Miguel Cobian

carefully read an article by Grace Z. Camacho to whom much appreciation, entitled ¨ I am also up ... ¨, and also listened carefully to the views of my cousin Gabriel. Both agree that, they argued, President Calderon is the only brave person who has faced the mafias that ¨ Other ¨ permitted. Both believe that the strategy against crime, the war against crime that began as we believe many, to legitimize a president with questionable credibility in late 2006, has a firm foundation and is carried out by persons of absolute moral integrity.
Grace Gabriel in his article and apologize in person if his opinion uncomfortable, and for Grace to concerns that you have read so many lies, so much selfishness, so much envy, and wonder if those who criticize the president would be able to lead the country on a better path.
I do not know if I would be better president than Calderon. What I am sure that we killed more than forty thousand officers, and perhaps more than one hundred thousand in reality. For less than that in a democratic country had already been dismissed by the authorities. Stops here nothing ...
I have the luck to drive a car whose brand has a record of robberies in the country. That means that an every other day also, the federal roads, now known as federal police stopped me to check if reported stolen. In the interval of time in the car they were reviewing, applying or reviewing the VIN scanners, I have the opportunity to talk with them, and ask how things are within your corporation. None, not one at the time I speak well of their superior officers or the way it manages the corporation. Everyone complains that the senior management are civilians, soldiers or sailors, who know nothing about police work. All without exception have told me they are very careful to obey the instructions they receive, they do not want to be part of the death toll, for errors of their superiors. And all too, from Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacán, Querétaro, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Puebla, Veracruz, etc.., I say that those who rule are recommended or friends of his superiors, not trained and knowledgeable staff. This implies that what has been said ad nauseam, that Calderon threw a war as the delete, a penitendejo Lo ° ¨ is true. And at least I have confidence that if you critical of improvised and inept, I have reason, as thousands of Mexicans have died for their disability and its main operators safety.
When you say earlier that they did nothing. I remember that now support Philip in his war on crime were the same in times of Fox, even though Felipe has said that Fox did nothing ... Something incongruous not you think?
When I see so many dead civilians, many complaints of human rights violations by the authorities that we have to protect. When I read that all the dead are declared criminals, though they are innocent, because it reaches the mantle of impunity in the military. When I find out who robbed, kidnapped and killed was a policeman, municipal, state or federal. When I find records where PGR is charged directly to the main control of the fight against organized crime, of being accomplices, to receive money, to whistles, to detain criminals and deliver them to their torture and death at the hands of the group who opposes them, but you already bought the security forces. That's when I'm sure Felipe wrong strategy, and also his folly continues to inflict pain and suffering of the Mexicans.
No dudo ni un segundo que se tenga que combatir al crimen organizado y proteger a los ciudadanos. Lo que afirmo es que en este sexenio eso no ha sucedido. Y en el caso de Graciela le comento que hace más de un año, irrumpieron fuerzas federales en casas de particulares en Córdoba, apuntando a mujeres y niños con las miras laser. Con fotos y miles de testigos, se conoció el hecho en la región. La respuesta al Senado de la República ante la queja presentada, fue que ese día no hubo operativo en Córdoba y por lo tanto los hechos no sucedieron. Esa es la seguridad y legalidad que ofrece el gobierno de Calderón a los ciudadanos. Manos libres y total impunity. Hopefully none of his relatives suffered in the flesh becoming collateral damage in ¨ ¨, as many mistakenly killed by our security forces.
the narco
I demand that I can not respect the law, but to our own authorities. And if a president does not watch his subordinates comply with laws and protect citizens, to me will remain worthy of criticism and bad memories in the history of Mexico.
Despite all this, I deeply respect the opinions of Grace Gabriel and although I do not share. Perhaps our sources of information are different. Therefore I ¨ I am up to the mother ¨. NO MORE BLOOD.


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