Friday, May 13, 2011

Infinite Money For Emerald Vba

their reproach: Edgardo Buscaglia and

By José Miguel Cobian
With special affection for Álvaro de Gasperín.
One of the most renowned scholars of the causes and effects of organized crime in the economy of nations. Area Director International Law and Development Centre at the University of Virginia, with studies of post doctorate in jurisprudence and social policy at the University of California at Berkeley, visiting professor at ITAM, a researcher at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Vice President American Society of Law and Economics Association. It is an improvised, has published among other titles: ¨ Control of organized crime linked to corruption in the public sector: Results of a study on global trends ¨, ¨ How to design a national strategy against organized crime under laconvención of united nations Palermno ¨, \u200b\u200betc.
NOT an improvised Buscaglia. Buscaglia has analyzed in detail the causes of organized crime, its development and the protection it provides from strata corrupt state and business. If anyone can offer a way out he is, and has already said many times when referring to the problem of Mexico.
The strategy has worked in other countries like Colombia, Spain and Russia has been fighting money laundering, businesses and entrepreneurs. When asked about the lack of action authorities against big business money launderers, says that this decision has political overtones and says, ¨ political reason is that many of these companies, according to the cases we investigated abroad, end up being pre-campaign finance companies and political campaigns. So politicians, on their perception, they do not want to shoot in the foot. The tactical reason is that Mexican federal authorities think that if they start to attack and dismantle these heritage structures, they are going to drop the formal economy. ¨.
A solution decrease the power of organized crime is to attack their financial structures and economic power. When I read national or local writers of narcofílicos accuse those who criticize the federal government and its strategy for combating organized crime, the need arises for me to remind you not only with bullets, blood and death battle lines are also fighting supply, logistics, financing and money laundering resource that gives them fresh and the rest of their legitimate activities.
In Mexico the federal government knows the full recipe, as is widely known as se ha ido recuperando paulatinamente la paz y tranquilidad social en otros países. A pesar de conocer la receta completa, únicamente se aplica la mitad del tratamiento para sanar nuestra sociedad. Es aquí de dónde surge el reclamo de tantos mexicanos, Javier Sicilia de los últimos en salir a la luz pública. Es en este aspecto dónde muchos mexicanos decimos que ¨ESTAMOS HASTA LA MADRE… NO MAS SANGRE¨. Y es sobre todo, por esta razón que se acusa a funcionarios federales de que su estrategia no está dando resultados y sin embargo si está causando mucho daño a la inerme población en general.
Cuando Javier Sicilia calls for the resignation of Genaro García Luna, it is in absolute keeping with being a citizen. Do not politicize the issue, although many claim to want to reduce politicking. Javier Sicilia notes to the principal official responsible for fighting organized crime, and not see results. Logically, if an official does not work is changing. It's that simple. That's the thinking of Javier Sicilia, citizen.
not ask for the resignation of Felipe Calderón, because in our country is impossible that a president has the moral stature to resign when he characterized as a policy priority his administration has not given the slightest result, thousands except Mexicans and foreigners killed, wounded, tortured, disappeared, raped, abused, and mistreated not only by criminals but by officials under the federal executive itself colluded with the criminals, as immigration officials recently accused of giving illegal immigrants to criminal gangs.
Calderón does not recognize its failure in the fight against organized crime. Does not recognize that was wrong, preferring to reach the end of six years riding his stubbornness, no matter what happens, who suffer suffer the collateral damage · ¨. History will judge him. However, you and I, dear reader, we have to live in the real Mexico every day, with the anxiety of waiting for the night in hopes that our loved ones are still alive and unharmed. Knowing that in Mexico there are solutions that do not apply the decision of who must fight crime. Thinking the suspect based on national, perhaps the more serious is the problem, the budget is allocated to the areas of security and the greater the benefit and power that derive their owners. The good news is that many of us think that all the money and power of the world are not worth a life.


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