Thursday, October 11, 2007

Best Way To Clean White Converse

Upload bread, but does not improve hygiene

* In operational inspection found that 20% of bakeries and bakery is in poor condition
Vistaprevia / Hugo Mendoza CH.
The rising price of "our daily bread every day is inevitable. But the hygiene conditions in which these foods are produced do not improve. The last inspection by the Deputy Manager of the Municipality Provincial Health showed that 20% of bakeries and pastry shops of Arequipa are in deplorable condition.
In the last operation was determined this serious situation. "The hygienic conditions were found in some cake shops and bakeries were surprising. We found beaten whipped cream, dinner damaged, bad eggs and other shortcomings, "says Elizabeth Toledo, assistant manager of Health.
out of 10 bakeries and bakeries at least two of them did not meet minimum health requirements. Much of these facilities deserve to be shut down for life, because they are repeat offenders who commit the offenses and the attack on the health of the population.
"The bakeries, pastry shops after the inspections are punished, but to avoid any kind of sanction change of name, there are even bakeries that have no operating license." Warns Toledo.
The penalties vary depending on the type of failure. For example, due to lack of extinguishing the fine is 165 soles, first aid kit 95 soles, poor local hygiene 600 soles, or expired products in disrepair thousand suns.
Of the 34 facilities operated, cake Giordano and the World of Cakes were the conditions were worse. According to these establishments Toledo change of name often in order to avoid any sanction. PAN PER KILO

In order to provide greater control of the hygienic conditions of the pan and weight, health authorities suggest that it should demand that this food is sold by the kilo and bagged. So they could require that the product has bakeries health record.
By selling bread per kilo would end with the eternal argument that each loaf should be 200, 250 or 300 grams.
food handling, especially the bread is a problem that can even epidemics. With the bread in one kilo bags could prevent cheating in weight and have more control. RESTAURANTS

Neither campaign "healthy dining" promoted by the Provincial Municipality has made to improve their sanitation. Of the 240 stores operated by only 60 qualified and Elizabeth Toledo, only 20 achieved accreditation as a healthy dining. Look

According to figures from Wheat Mill Committee of the National Society of Industries (SNI), Peru imports between 1.3 and 1.4 million metric tons (MT) of wheat, while the international price has risen 180 to $ 280 per MT. Reaching its highest historical peak.


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